Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Terms of Service for the Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. (web site - www.levinsolutions.com)
The logo is the trademark of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. and shall not be copied, used, or transmitted without the express written permission of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. The information contained on this web site is for informational purposes only, and is the protected property of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. The information on this web site, including logos, slogans, pictures, programming, and written information, is controlled and restricted by copyright and shall not be copied, used, or transmitted without the express written permission of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. All information on this web site is transmitted in good faith, and is based on the philosophy, culture, and historical facts of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. Nothing on this site should be construed in any way to be a guarantee of the results every practice may see. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. does not receive payment or any other compensation for the inclusion of names and/or hypertext links to any other company, government agency, pseudo-governmental agency, organization, etc. listed on this web site. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. does not guarantee the accuracy of information contained on linked web sites. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. strictly forbids linking to this web site. Legal action may be brought against any entity which links to this web site without the express written permission of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. It is also forbidden to disclose the email address, street address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and all other private information of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. to third parties who will sell and or distribute said information to spammers, junk mailers, and any other commercial entity which is not seeking to hire or promote the services of LBS. Legal action will be taken against any person or entity that violates the terms of service of Levin Business Solutions, Ltd.
The Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. Privacy Policy
Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. gathers personal and financial information on our clients for internal purposes only. We will only disclose the information received from you for the purpose of fulfilling our contractual agreement for services rendered. These disclosures include, but are not limited to, supplying your personal and or corporate information to government and private insurers, financial institutions which you may have an account with, and have authorized LBS to make direct deposits/withdrawals from on your behalf, and any other third party deemed absolutely necessary to ensure our contractual agreement is fulfilled. We may also disclose your information to the credit bureaus, if your account becomes delinquent with respect to your financial obligations. Under the U.S.A. Patriot Act we may be forced to disclose your information to a federal agency of the United States of America, and may be required to not inform you of said disclosure. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. will not share your information with any other third party without your written consent. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. will send you notifications and newsletters regarding new products, specials, upcoming events, and any other news as is deemed appropriate for the continued operation of the company. You can elect to not receive these communications at any time by contacting us.
Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. will protect patient information as required by HIPAA and all other federal and state laws pertaining to the protection of personal information. We will also comply with any policy your organization has regarding privacy in so much as it dose not contradict federal and state laws. Any such policy must be supplied in writing to Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. along with any updates made during the term of our contract.
Clients shall hold Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. harmless in the event of the disclosure of any protected information as a result of third party acts, acts of nature, and failure to comply due to inaccurate information supplied by said client, their staff, government agencies, court orders, or any other entity which may have a legal interest in the agreement between LBS and said client. Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. may change this privacy policy from time to time. If the privacy policy is altered you will be notified in writing 30 days prior to the alterations taking effect. If any aspect of this privacy policy is deemed unlawful that section alone shall be unenforceable, with the rest of the privacy policy remaining in force as the date of enactment. Additional clauses to this privacy policy may be added by the terms of the contract between Levin Business Solutions, Ltd. and each client.
News and Updates Comment Policy
Anything posted to this site or related social media sites by persons or entities other than Levin Business Solutions shall be the sole responsibility of those third parties. Levin Business Solutions shall be held harmless as to the content thereof.
We love comments and appreciate the time that our readers spend to share ideas and give feedback. Thank you for your comments.
However, we also want our comments to be as useful as possible to everyone who may read them. Comments are not routinely moderated, but we will remove and block any comment if it meets any of the following criteria:
Harassing comments: While conversation and the sharing of different ideas is encouraged, all comments need to be respectful towards our contributors and those leaving comments.
Anonymous comments: We only accept comments from people who identify themselves.
Promotional comments: If a comment is solely promotional in nature, we will remove it from the site.
Unrelated: If a comment has nothing to do with the News and Update shown we will remove it from the site.
Personal Information: If a comment contains personal and/or HIPAA protected information we will remove it from the site.
Political: While some of the News and Updates may address aspects of political policy we will remove from the site any comments that are deemed inappropriate in our view, and do not add helpfully to the post it is appended to.
We reserve the right to remove any comments from the site; please leave comments that are respectful and useful.